Over at The Purple Flower blog, Swati bestowed a “Spreader of Love” award on the Rings & Things blog and me. Thank you! A condition of the award is that you go on to recognize 5 more people, who brighten your own blog.
So today, let me write about “who we love.” Here are the new recipients of the Spreader of Love award: ☺

I thought I’d use the “Sweet Penmanship” project from our Design Gallery, since I’m writing about who Rings & Things loves…
- Dawno always has something constructive to bring to any conversation.
- RockCreekCreations is a thoughtful soul.
- tamdoll is full of truly good ideas.
- fireseed has generously shared what she’s learned from experience.
- dani29 constantly encourages us.
I’ve linked to a Twitter page for each of them. That’s because I feel that Twitter is just as great a place as blogs to connect with people. And these five award-winners do good things on Twitter, just as they’ve done by joining our blog club. Go check these folks out!
It was easy to find, but hard to pick, five recipients. Thanks to every one of you who have visited and commented at Rings & Things’ blog. Let us reward you for being here! Read on…
Thank you, Dave, I’m honored! I look forward to spreading the love from my blog. I’d do it now, but have to get the day job stuff done, because without it how could I buy all the stuff I need from Rings & Things? 😉
Thank you sooo much, Dave! It is nice to know that lives can be touched at 140 characters a time. I enjoy bantering with you, & I hope your bosses know what good you do for rings-things!
Thank you!! Marge
Hi Dawno, I saw the post on your blog where you chose your five people. You actually picked some of the many I would’ve liked to give the award to! It’s hard to pick just five… Anyway, it sounded like you agreed, the love can be spread via Twitter just as easily!
Marge, I appreciate your kind words 🙂
Glad we were synchronous! Blog awards are fun, I should make up one of my own.
I also like back linking until I find the originator – that Spreader of Love award is ancient (in Internet time)!
I *just* now saw this! I wonder if this was posted when I was having issues with my Twitter account? anyway –
Thank you! I am deeply honored by your recognition! I love R&T and your tweets! 😉 I shall now think on to whom I want to bestow this award! What a sweet idea!