Wire-wrapping has become my newest jewelry making addiction! I am always browsing the internet and looking for new inspiration and techniques that I have yet to master. My latest accomplishment was learning how to create the oh so complicated looking herring bone wrap. I have admired this style of wire wrapping for years but was always too intimidated to attempt it. A couple of weeks ago, I decided it was time to learn it. And guess what? It was really pretty easy! Now I will pass my knowledge on to you, fellow bloggers and bead addicts, so you too can feel that sweet satisfaction that comes from creating something new and beautiful! (not to mention the compliments you are sure to receive by your coworkers!)
So here it is! You will need some wire, preferably 22 gauge. I like to use Artistic Wire when learning a new technique because it is relatively inexpensive, so if you waste some there is little guilt. Next you will need a large round bead, 10-12mm is a good size. It can be faceted or smooth, either works just fine. Here’s a nice variety of 10-28mm smooth round gemstone beads and shell pearls. For tools, you will need your trusty chain nose pliers, round nose pliers and side cutters. And that’s it!
Step 1: Cut a piece of wire about 2 feet long (always better to have a little too much than to be short)
Step 2: Make a wrapped loop at one end of the wire. I find about a 1/2 inch or 1 centimeter is a good amount to wrap.
Step 3: Thread your bead onto the wire.
Step 4: Create a wrapped loop on the other side to mirror the one you made on the first side. You can measure if you like, to make sure it’s the same or just eyeball it.
Step 5: Now that you have both sides wrapped, the fun begins! This is the tricky part. Take your long piece of remaining wire and and wrap it across the side of the bead in the center. Wrap the wire around the front of the wrapped loop on the opposite side.
Step 6: Now run the wire back down the other side of the bead and wrap it around the front of the wrapped loop where you started. The bead should be wrapped in wire all around now. After you have this first wrap, you can continue this pattern going back and forth, tracing the previous wire.
Step 7: Once you have your herringbone pattern how you like, you can end by wrapping your wire around the loop at one end and cutting the excess wire with your side cutters. Tuck any excess wire with your chain nose pliers.
Step 8: Create your own original designs with your beautiful herringbone wrapped beads!

I finished both of these pairs with coordinating clusters. See our blog on how to make cluster earrings!
Hope you enjoyed and learned something new! Happy beading and feel free to ask me any questions! –Tiffany
For all the fantastic items I used to make these earrings, head over to our online store at Rings-things.com
Great tutorial….makes it seem so easy!
thanks so much for the tutorial! I have been wanting to learn this weave
Thank you!! for sharing this technique!!! I have been wanting to learn it but never found anything as clear as these directions.
Gypsie Julies
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, I’ve looking for this technique for days ! Thanks !
Thank you,Thank you. like you,I have been looking for the” how to ” make this beautiful herringbone wrap earings ,love the pix as well as directions ,I need the pictures , can you make a ring with this pattern? Thanks
cool! I like this tutorial, and will try it out. I am always interested in new ways to design jewelry. Thanks!
Finally,,, I am in the hospital with my disabled daughter, who just had emergency brain surgery… I didn’t have any beading stuff so ran out yesterday to get a few things while a nurse sat with her.. I have spent hours looking for how to do this and what is is called…. THANK YOU….Tami
Thank you so much for sharing and making it easy. I have taken classes that just left me confused because the teacher didn’t know how to explain it simply. You are a great teacher. Thanks again.
Thankyou so much for sharing this instead of selling this! xx
As you explain it, it seems soooo easy!!! Thank you very much for sharing your experiences! I will certainly try it!
Thank you so much for your generosity, as some of us have such a tiny budget and without freebies, would have very little outside help…
Aha! At last I understand, thank you so much. I have just been given a collection of assorted semi precious stones many of which are rounds . Now I can envisage a much more interesting set of gifts coming from my work table than my previous efforts. Just have to work up the courage…….agates and quartzites will never have looked so captivating. All best wishes to you,
I may be late to the game of jewelry making but I have to say that I am loving this website!! everything you need to dive into jewelry making is here. Even for a super beginner like myself, I am mesmerized with all the educational resources this website offers, for FREE !!!! Easily explained and detailed instructions on how to make your item of choice, with pictures! it doesn’t get any better than that. I am sold and I can’t wait to get started. In my first project I plan to make a special healing crystal necklace for each of my family members, well just my immediate family. Crystals is another subject I’m currently exploring.
Thanks for listening to me carry on in my excitement about what’s to come…but before I go.
To everyone who works at building and running this website, I thank you for doing such a fantastic job!!!!
May everyone who reads this be filled with peace, health, and wisdom. May your dreams come true and may your life be an impactful one. God bless.
Best regards,
Patricia Bueno :))
Thank you so much Patricia Bueno! Have a wonderful time making jewelry!! ~~Polly & Rings & Things staff.