Hi bloglandia! Have you heard of yarn bombing? I highly recommend you do a quick image search if you haven’t! It is basically guerilla crafting – making public spaces more beautiful with knit and crochet creativeness. While I love the concept, I’m not very talented with fiber arts. But today, the stars converged in a way (or maybe I’ve just been in a cubicle too long…)
One, it is Friday and I’m feeling punchy. Two, it is Mandi’s birthday (you might know her from our showroom or traveling bead shows – happy birthday Mandi!) so there is lots of sugar and cake coursing through our systems and Three, I have all these snippets of rhinestone chain leftover from Monday. What does it all add up to? My new sport – bling bombing !!
The rules are really simple: embellish objects with bits of bling in a totally removable and non-damaging way (ie: wire wrapping, not super gluing). I started with public spaces but then it got personal:

Justin really didn’t like my suggestion of adding rhinestone chain to his glasses. I think it actually made him ill, which conveniently left his belongings unsupervised today. Won’t he be excited on Monday?

There was no way Joe, our purchasing manager, would let me dress up his glasses, so I decorated the handle of his truck instead. Of course, now I have to worry about revenge: he went to lunch, the chain is now gone…but he has not said a word. Cue the horror movie music.

I think my favorite, though, was dressing up Melissa’s bike. Indoor bike parking is one of the perks of working in the Rings & Things warehouse.
I hope to have inspired someone – somewhere – to create some sparkly mischief. The world can always use a bit more bling. Have a great weekend everyone! ~ Cindy
HAAAHAHAHA! Oh, man, you HAVE to tell us what Joe’s revenge is, if anything! We used to “decorate” the van my dad’s assistant drove with toilet paper. He got to where he was used to seeing our version of “Revenge of the Mummy” when he left work at night. Not the same thing, but worth the giggle!
I don’t know that Joe will retaliate – but someone did attach a stuffed zebra to my car on Friday! I love the “revenge of the mummy” van – you have to have some fun with your coworkers! 🙂
This is just abso awesome! Way to go grfrend!!!