With a little resin and a little paint, you can create your very own miniature snow globe that will never leak and never need shaking!

You will need these supplies for the snow globe:
- 1 each #83-511-03-042 Glass Bezel Circle 25mm (or other shape of your choice)
- 1 of #82-500-08 Easy Cast 8oz. Epoxy Kit
- 1 of #82-595 Stir Sticks
- 1 of #82-597 Mixing Cup, 1 oz.
- 1 of #86-930 Ranger Artist Brush Set
- 6oz bottles of craft store paint: red, white, black, blue & orange
- a clean & empty Tupperware container (sandwich size-no lid required)
Once you’re finished with the snow globe, you will have a unique. hand crafted focal piece that you can make into a pendant to put on a necklace, make into a festive bolo tie or make into cool refridgerator magnets that would be perfect little stocking stuffers!

Thoroughly clean the inside of bezel with rubbing alcohol or wet wipe to remove dust or particulates. Using craft store paint and brush, create a mini picture of snowman, Christmas tree or whatever festive subject matter you’d like to have as the star of your mini snow globe. You can use old Christmas cards for inspiration for what kind of scene you would like to create. Around the outside of your tree or snowman, “dot” some snowflakes in, using the end of a headpin or small scrap of wire long enough to grip. This will be your background snow, in addition to more snow you will add on top of the next resin layer, to create a 3D effect, no funky glasses required.
Not comfortable with painting? You can always phone a friend! This makes for a fun group project to do with a small group of friends and wi-I mean cocoa.
Once your image is to your liking, allow to completely dry. The great thing about painting on glass is that if you make a mistake or don’t like your first attempt, allow it to dry and chip off with a fingernail and then you can start fresh again!

Prepare 1/4 fluid oz. of resin (also the 2 drams mark on measuring cup), according to the directions. This amount of resin allows you to cast at least 3 or 4 snow globes so you will have enough for filling & creating 4 snow globes if you are making these with friends or you can dispose of the extra. Pour resin into the bezel(s) until it is halfway full. Allow to cure for 24hrs or with the assistance of a heat lamp to speed curing. Be sure to monitor the resin as it cures, ensuring that you get rid of any air bubbles that might form as it dries. After this resin layer is fully cured (hardened and capable of being rubbed with a finger without leaving a blemish or impressions), use your same head of a pin or piece of wire to “dot” more snow onto this top layer. Try to place this new snow layer in alternate/empty areas that do not have “snowflakes” already. Allow your paint dots to dry. Prepare another 1/4oz. of resin and fill to the brim with a slim “bubble” (or ever so slightly rounded top) for the final top layer. Again, cover with your Tupperware container and allow to cure, ensuring that you routinely check for air bubbles as it hardens.

You can leave your snow globe clear (but note that whatever you will be gluing it to will show through) or you can give a coat of paint to the back of your bezel as your “sky”, that will cover or mask whatever you will be affixing it to. If painting the back, ensure that you clean the glass with an alcohol wipe before applying paint and allow to thoroughly dry before adding glue or finding.
Voila! You have an adorable little snow man (or tree) snowglobe to wear or make into a gift? Now all you have to decide on is whether to make it into a necklace, a bolo tie, a ring or a magnet! There may be other possibilities too that I haven’t thought of but below you will find additional supplies that you’ll need for each final touch and links to help you with how to prepare them.

To finish on a necklace, use the following additional supplies:
- 1 of #41-895-50-00 Glue On Jewelry Bail, Small Assortment (I used a silver plated one)
- 16″ or 18″ of #61-132-05-12 Greek Leather Cord in Brown (or your choice of other color of 2mm cord)
- 2 of #41-254-3 3x9mm Foldover Jewelry Crimps, Silver Plate (or coordinate with plating that matches your bail)
- 1 of #39-145-15-3 15mm Lobster Clasp, Silver Plated
- 1 of #49-941-82-5 JBB Findings 9mm Soldered Ring, Silver Plated or 1 link/ring from #40-090-37-3
- 2 of #37-133-3 Silver Plated Jump Rings Round, Heavy 4.5mm
- 1 each #60-230 Adhesive Epoxy 330
- 1 each #69-271-99 EURO TOOL Glitter, 5 Piece Set
If you are leaving your snow globe clear, clean off the back of the bezel with an alcohol wipe and allow to dry, for best epoxy contact (If you painted the back, you will apply bail with dab of epoxy directly onto paint). Mix Epoxy 330 according to directions and use a dab to affix a bail in the plating of your choice, to the snow globe. Press onto the back of the glass bezel, center and readjust to properly orient the pendant design. Allow to cure overnight.
Cut a 16″, 18″ or desired necklace length of greek leather cord. Place one fold over crimp around one end and gently clamp each side down (like folding a letter in thirds or closing up a delicious burrito) with your flat nose pliers. Gently squeeze to secure the “tooth” in the fold-over crimp to sink in to leather. Thread your bail with pendant snow globe onto the unfinished end of leather cord and then repeat above step with crimp end to finish the other end. With the pendant facing you on your work surface, attach the lobster clasp to the left hand side with an open jump ring and twist to close. Attach the soldered ring to the other loop with an open jump ring and twist to close (or if making for a left-handed recipient, reverse the placement of the clasp and ring). For additional tips on opening and closing jump rings, check out our free, downloadable PDF: Jewelry Basics 101
To finish as a bolo tie, use the following additional supplies:
- 1 each #36-836 Bolo Slide
- 1 each #36-060-02 Bolo Cord
- 2 each #36-211-1 Bolo Tips
- 1 each #60-230 Adhesive Epoxy 330
Follow instructions for Bolo Tie assembly using Mollie’s Make a Gemstone Bolo Tie for reference only you will be gluing your snow globe onto the bolo slide rather than the button shank & gemstone donut.
To make into a magnet, use the following, additional supplies:
And follow Mollie’s instructions in the Upcycling Bottle Caps into Refrigerator Magnets blog tutorial (but you’ll be affixing your snow globe to the magnet instead of a bottle cap).

Using a variety of themes, colors and snow patterns, you can make a whole variety of snow globes…cute, snowy blizzard, holiday decorated trees or even a classic city skyline. Have fun with the diversity of designs you can come up with by making it a group project with friends. See what kind of ornaments Barb puts on her tree or marvel at the way Joe got his snowman’s nose to actually look like a tiny carrot! If you’ve been to a Paint n Sip Party before, you know how fun it can be to paint with friends. You can even customize your globes by choosing a square or oval glass bezel instead of round. Have fun with them!
Merry Holidays to You,
Wow! This makes up a lovely gift for Christmas. Thanks a lot for sharing it.
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