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bead show wholesale

Fall 2018 Bead Show & Sale

October 10, 2018

You are invited to our Fall Bead Show & Sale

Free admission! Share this invitation with creators, beaders and collectors – we have something for everyone!
Wholesale prices to the public. No tax ID required.
Arrive early to shop the best selection. Free on-site parking!
Bring a friend! Make a weekend trip to the Northwest.
Sign up now for the latest show info.
Follow us! Instagram rings_n_things & Facebook

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Mark your calendars NOW for Fall 2012 Bead Shows!

July 16, 2012

Hi bloglandia! It is finally SUMMER. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER. And yet – what did I see at the store last night? That’s right: row after row of back to school supplies! While I found this to be a bit of  a bummer, it did serve as a good reminder that summer really will be over before we know it. That isn’t all bad news, though, for in September Rings & Things’ nationwide Bead Shows start up again!


Turquoise, labradorite and citrine are very popular gemstones at our shows. Plus, we sometimes have great deals on bracelets like the African bangles in the center pic.

The first show is September 9 in Minneapolis. For two months, the shows keep coming until November 7 in Missoula. So please take a moment to take a look at our Fall Schedule and see when the beads will be in a town near you! It is always so, so tragic when people post on Facebook about the bead show they just missed. Don’t let that happen to you! 🙂

Also, if you aren’t already familiar with her beautiful work, be sure to check out Heather Powers at HumbleBeads Blog – she did a great write up with photos about our 2012 spring show in Grand Rapids! ~ Cindy