If your celebrations with family and friends include bottled beverages, don’t throw out the bottle caps. Craft beer and craft soda pop have bottle caps that are little works of art, and with just a few supplies you can turn them into magnets. Just follow these instructions.

Gather together colorful bottle caps from a variety of beer or soda pop brands.

You will need the following supplies:
- 1 each per bottle cap bulk magnets (I used item #30-580.)
- 1 pack two-part epoxy glue (I used item #60-230)*
*Shipping Warning: Two-part epoxy glues are hazardous-shipping items, and due to Federal regulations they must ship by UPS Ground.
And additional supplies:
- stir stick/applicator stick
- disposable glue surface (paper plate)
- paper towels
- Isopopyl rubbing alcohol

Clean the bottle caps with isopropyl rubbing alcohol; this will remove any surface contaminants that might keep the adhesive from adhering. Rubbing alcohol works great for this task because it evaporates quickly so you can start your gluing project right away.

Also use isopropyl rubbing alcohol to clean and degrease the magnets.

Epoxy glues form strong bonds. Most epoxy products, like Epoxy 330, instruct you to mix equal parts of resin and hardener. But be sure to read the instructions that come with your glue in advance.

Gently stir the adhesive until fully mixed; again refer the instructions that come with your two-part epoxy.

Gluing Metal Findings 101
A free printable pdf featuring helpful gluing hints and tips from Rings & Things. And don’t forget the glue.

Scoop a small dollop of glue and apply it to the back side of the magnet.

No need to fully cover the magnet back with glue.

Attach the glue-side of the magnet to the inside of the bottle cap.

Gently press the magnet in place to spread the glue and create a tight bond.

Set the freshly glued magnets aside to cure in a warm location. I suggest waiting a full 24 hours before using them.

Colorful bottle-cap magnets are cured and ready to use. Wow that was easy!
And don’t forget the bottle opener!

Beadable Bottle Opener
Just add any beads with 2.5-2.7mm holes to make a one-of-a-kind bottle opener.

ImpressArt Bottle Opener Project Kit
Use metal-stamping tools to create a hand-stamped custom bottle open.
Make things,