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jewelry tools

Stamp your own Longitude & Latitude Bracelets

May 5, 2015

For years, longitude and latitude coordinates have been growing in popularity when it comes to fashion. They have been popping up in tattoos, jewelry and clothing. I decided I wanted to make my own longitude latitude project, with coordinates from one of my favorite places on earth, Tulum, Mexico! You can easily do this project with any location on Earth! Simply enter your desired location plus “longitude and latitude” into any search engine, and the coordinates will come up for you!

Beaded Infinity Knot Bracelet Project

April 30, 2015

I am not typically a “stringer” when it comes to making jewelry.  I don’t usually like to work with beads that are less than 4mm in size. But I have had the image of this bracelet in my head for days, so I decided to conquer my fear of seed beads, and try to create it! I love how it turned out! Learn how easy it is to recreate it below!

The three most important tools to own

April 9, 2015

There are about a billion different pliers for jewelry making! But if you are just getting started, there are really three tools you need. I use these three tools for about 90% of all my jewelry making. You need round nose pliers, chain nose pliers, and flush cutters. So let me give you a little run down on the different uses of these three tools.