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Busy Bee Earrings

January 16, 2015

I think bees are so cute! I love to add them to my jewelry designs when I can. So when I discovered the Vintaj Bee Charms, my head went spinning with ideas! I really wanted to incorporate the phrase “busy bee” into the earrings, because that is often how I feel Like a busy little bee flying around! I love how these turned out! To learn how to create your own pair follow the simple recipe below!

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Futuristic Riveted Earrings with Swarovski Crystal Spikes

January 11, 2015

Last summer I decided to splurge and buy myself a riveting tool. Riveting allows you to cold connect (join) metal pieces without the use of a torch or other heat source. Innovative riveting tools allow you to rivet your own jewelry designs without the hard work (and endless hammer tapping) that traditional riveting requires. I wanted to show an easy design using the riveting tool that also features Swarovski spike pendants. See how to make these earrings by following the easy steps below!  Continue Reading…

Shamrock St. Patricks Day Necklaces featuring Swarovski Clover Pendants

January 9, 2015

As you maybe can tell already, I like holiday jewelry! And one of my favorite holidays is St. Patrick’s Day! I love corned beef, green beer, and of course the classiest green accessories! If you want to whip up a few Irish necklaces this year I have a simple way for you to do so! Swarovski Clover Pendants are fun and sparkly and, when paired with an Irish themed sterling silver charm, they especially scream St. Paddy’s Day.
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DIY Swarovski Applique

December 9, 2014

Did anyone else notice that winter hit overnight? The below-freezing temps are here and it’s time to snuggle up in our warm winter-wear! While I hate being cold, I love wearing coats and all of the fun accessories that go along with them – so I obviously need to be cute while doing it! I’ve also found a passion for the ‘DIY’ trend that seems to be everywhere these days, and I have created a basic tutorial for applique work using Swarovski crystals and an old headband I found in my closet!



1 – John James Beading Needle, Size 10

1 – The Beadsmith Braided Bead Thread, .006in, 28yd spool (I used White)

288pcs (2 gr) – Swarovski Crystal Jams, 4mm (I used Bohemian Rhapsody) OR any color Swarovski Crystal Bicones, 4mm

9 – Swarovski Double Spike Beads (I use 12mm Metallic Light Gold 2x)

10 – Swarovski Wild Heart Crystal Beads (I used 12mm Golden Shadow)

2 – felt squares, about the size of your hand

Pair of scissors


Now the Fun Part!


The beauty of this project is that you can use an assortment of crystals! I try and keep a good balance of large and small crystals, with the larger ones being the focal point. My image above shows my color and size assortment. I went for more of a neutral color palette, really playing off of the golds and light pinks. The Rings & Things Exclusive Swarovski Crystal Jams bead mixes are great for something like this, as they can help you develop a strong color story from the beginning.

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First, I started by arranging my larger beads in various patterns (2 options I came up with are above). I knew I wanted to do some kind of floral-inspired design. For some people, it may be easier to roughly draw something as well.

Needle & Thread Basics


I began by cutting a strand of Power Pro bead thread that was about the span of my arms; you can start with a smaller strand than this as this may be easier to manage at first. This thread is pretty amazing – I would not recommend using other threads that you may find at the fabric store because the crystals can actually cut through that type of thread! Power Pro by The BeadSmith is much more sturdy, and you would hate to lose your Swarovski crystals because of the wrong thread!

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Once the needle is threaded, tie a basic knot; I did three loops to create a thicker knot.

Step by Step

1.  Now it’s time to sew the final design onto the felt. I like to start at the center of my design when I’m sewing on the crystals. Since you have the basic design laid out and your needle threaded, start by holding one crystal in place with your thumb and index finger; insert the needle from the BACK SIDE of the felt so that the needle appears near the edge of the crystal where the hole is located (see FRONT SIDE image below). The knot that you made should be on the back side of the fabric.

   backside  front side

2.   Thread the needle through the hole in the crystal, and insert the needle back into the felt. Make sure to stay near the crystal’s edge where the needle just exited the hole.

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3.   Continue doing this for the center crystals (ie. my ‘petals’) and expand to any other large crystals you have (ie. my ‘leaves’). Once you have each of these sewn on, leave your thread where it is. No need to knot anything.

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4.   Go ahead and grab your smaller beads – Here, I’m using the 4mm Swarovski Bicone Crystal Jams. We will begin where your left your thread after completing the larger crystal beads. Place 2 bicone crystals on your needle and push them down the thread. I wanted to arrange my bicones around my larger crystals as an outline. As soon as they fit snug against the felt, insert your needle back into the felt, staying close to the edge of the bicone. Continue your way around, using two bicones at a time

This is a fun time to play with color! My outlines consist of 3 or 4 different colored bicones, and they really play off of each other in different lights!

**If you ever run out of thread, just tie a knot on the backside of the fabric, and start a new needle & thread!**

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5.   Once I made my way around, I decided to add a second outline with the bicones. It is completely up to you – be creative and try some different things! Once you have finished sewing all of your Swarovski Crystals, insert the needle down through the front side and tie a knot in the back; you can use the same knot technique that was demonstrated earlier!


Creating a Finished Edge

1.   Cut the felt around the crystals, leaving 1/4 inch allowance on the outside.


2.    Take your second piece of felt and cut an identical piece


3.   Time to start with some fresh thread! Tie the same knot as shown above and insert the needle from the backside, to the front side like below. Pull the needle through until the knot is snug underneath.


4.   Grab your second piece of felt and place it underneath your original piece. Insert your needle through both pieces of felt, starting with the new piece. See photo below for reference. Pull all the way through; the felt should curl up as you pull the thread as tight as you can.

This second piece of felt hides all of the thread work you have underneath, while also stabilizing and protecting these stitches from wear and tear.


5.   Start working your way around the felt, using the same technique in step 4. You can see the difference in the two photos below – I have completed the technique on the upper right hand side.

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6. Once you have completed this step, your applique is complete! You can use this for scarves, headbands, gloves, apparel, etc. I have attached this to a headband, and I used the same technique from steps 4 & 5. It’s that simple!



All of us at Rings & Things would love to see any applique work you have created! Please send us pictures or post them below! 🙂

Happy Winter!

– Laura

Simple Swarovski Crystal Pendant Earrings

November 18, 2014

Sweet and Simple Swarovski Crystal Earrings!
Swarovski crystal pendants are the perfect way to sparkle up any holiday outfit! And they are so easy to transform into pretty earrings! There are so many different shapes and colors to choose from, you may have trouble deciding which ones to get! You can literally make any of these earrings in under 5 minutes! 

I love all the different shapes and colors they come in!
All that is needed to make a pair of sparkly earrings is your choice of earrings findings, jump rings, Swarovski crystal pendants, and a pair of chain nose pliers. I have made a variety of simple Swarovski crystal earrings to show you how easy it is!

Your choice of earring findings, jump rings, and crystals!

All that you have to do to make these earrings is attach the crystal pendants to the earring findings with jump rings! Depending on what way the earring wires face, you can use one or two jump rings to make sure that the crystal faces forward. Just remember when you open jump rings to open them by twisting ends away from each other, not pulling apart sideways.  For some earrings I used decorative post findings, for some I used kidney wires. And if you have someone with really sensitive ears, try the niobium french wires! They come in a variety of colors, though I am partial to the bronze, because they match antique brass findings so well. 

Here are the exact color, size and shapes of crystals I used for the earrings below! All the jump rings are 6mm.

Here are all the designs I came up with and created in under 20 minutes, total!

These earrings feature antique gold Grecian post (no longer available), yellow plated jump rings, and Swarovski pear pendants in crystal gold patina(no longer available).

These earrings combine Swarovski queen baquette pendants in crystal aurora borealis, antique brass jump rings, and niobium earring wires.

These earrings feature Swarovski baroque pendants in crystal paradise shine and antique silver fleur di lis post earrings..

These earrings feature Swarovski crystal red magma spikes, silver plated jump rings and silver plated kidney wires.

These earrings use cute antique brass replica Chinese coins, that I punched with a metal hole punch, antique brass jump rings, bronze niobium earring wires, and Swarovski true leaf pendants in crystal luminous green.

These earrings have antique copper filigree flowers , antique brass jump rings, bronze niobium wires, and Swarovski oval pendants in crystal golden shadow.

As you can see the possibilities are endless when it comes to making earrings from Swarovski pendants! There are literally hundreds of crystal pendants to choose from and thousands of possible combinations with all the different earring findings! The best part, they are so fast to make! You can make all your Christmas presents in one afternoon! Or keep them all for yourself!

Make Sparkling Wine Charms with Swarovski Beads

November 13, 2014

Swarovski crystal charms add panache to parties and family gatherings!

Holiday season is fast approaching, and with the holidays comes holiday parties … And of course wine, lots of wine! If you’re like me, this can lead to a common problem: wine glass confusion. Whose glass is whose? Well, don’t fret! There is a simple and shimmering solution: Swarovski wine charms! And whether you want to make a set for yourself, or give them as a gift to the host of the party, they are sure to add sparkle to your life!

I love the new arrow shape of Swarovski crystals! And they come in plenty of different colors to make multiple charms!

For these wine charms, I have chosen to use the new Swarovski crystal arrow shape, in an assortment of colors, with multicolored crystal bicone clusters. The objective, of course, is to make them all different. This way when you have a guest arrive, they can select their charm, attach it to their glass, and easily know which wine glass is theirs all night.

Three different colored wine charms, so everyone knows whose glass is whose!

As for the rings themselves, you have three options when it comes to making them. Whichever option you choose, keep in mind that the rings need to easily open and close, since they will be attached and removed from the stems of wine glasses.

Option 1: Ring-Sized Memory Wire

Option 1: Ring sized memory wire works great! Just cut it long enough to overlap about half way over. And make sure to use heavy duty wire cutters that are designed to cut through memory wire.

Option 2: 18-Gauge Wire

Option 2: Make your own rings using heavy wire. I recommend 18 gauge. I used the Wubbers jumbo round bail-making pliers to make a perfect circle. Use round nose and chain nose pliers to create a small hook and eye closure.

Option 3: Manipulating Hoops

Option 3: These 3/4-inch manipulating hoops are perfect for making wine charms! They come with a loop on one side, and a straight wire on the other side.

To use the manipulating hoops, simply make a 90 degree bend with chain-nose pliers so that they can be clasped closed.

Decorating Your Wine Charms
Now that you see how to make the rings themselves, it is time to decorate them! I used the following delicious “ingredients” to add my sparkle:

Swarovski Crystal Jams are Rings & Things Exclusive color mixes of crystal bicones. I used the Jams to add a lovely variety of colors to my charms.

For each charm, I used one Swarovski arrow bead and four 4mm bicones. I simply looped the bicones onto the silver-plated head pins, then added them to the eyepin and closed it. I strung my charmed eye pin through the arrow crystal and made a loop on the top by trimming the excess wire to about a 5mm and making a loop with my round-nose pliers.

One of the finished charms, ready to be strung onto one of our rings! Simple, sweet, and oh so sparkly!

Sweet little crystal clear and jewel tone wine charm! Just string that charm onto the wine ring, place on wine glass, and pour yourself some wine!

All six charms for the set that I made! Now no one has any excuse for sipping from your glass!

I would take the red one myself! Cheers!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this festive little post on wine charms! Basically the sky is the limit when it comes to these little glass customizers. Of course, as the wine starts to flow, people may not care which glass is theirs anyway! But either way, they are sparkly and sweet little gems to look at. I know what all my wine drinking friends will get for Christmas this year!

~ Tiffany White

How to make crystal angel earrings

October 28, 2014

When I first saw the cool shape of Swarovski’s crystal dome beads (from their Fall/Winter 2014/15 Innovations), two thoughts immediately came to my mind – bell and angel skirt.

Dome Bead Innovation

Dome Bead Innovation

This tutorial shows you how to use these sparkling faceted beads to make angel skirts for earring designs. The exact same combinations can also be used to make single angels for pendants, bookmarks, gift tags, and more!

There are two styles of Swarovski dome beads to choose from. The large dome beads give you a more elongated shape:

#5541 Large Dome Bead

Article 5541 Large Dome Beads

The small dome beads have a more rounded out bell shape:

#5542 Small Dome Bead

Article 5542 Small Dome Beads

The main components of any crystal angel design are: halos, heads, wing beads, and bodies:

Angel Earrings in Progress

Angel Earrings in Progress

TierraCast makes a variety of wing bead styles. Additional wing beads are also available in base metal and sterling silver.

Various Metal Wing Beads

Various Metal Wing Beads

Popular bead styles for halos include heishi, and beaded heishi beads as well as rhinestone rondelles.

Metal Halo Beads

Metal Halo Beads

Here are several combinations of halos, wings, and bodies in different colors and sizes. For a complete parts list of supplies ready to buy, click each image below! (Or browse our Rings & Things Design Gallery.)

Heavenly Angel Earrings

Heavenly Angel Earrings

Lilac Shadow Angel Earrings

Lilac Shadow Angel Earrings

Angel in Training Earrings

Angel in Training Earrings

Blue Shade Angel Earrings

Blue Shade Angel Earrings

Christmas Angel Earrings

Christmas Angel Earrings

Forest Fairy Earrings

Forest Fairy Earrings

Other popular shapes for body include the Teardrop bead and the cone-shaped Swarovski Crystal Artemis bead.

Crystal Angel Earrings with Teardrop Beads

Crystal Angel Earrings with Teardrop Beads

Artemis Crystal Angel Earrings

Artemis Crystal Angel Earrings

Keep in mind that angels can be any color! Choose whatever colors you like for whatever mood you’re in!

Dark Fairy Earrings

Dark Fairy Earrings

No matter whether you’re preparing for Christmas or you’re a year round angel aficionado, take inspiration from these designs and create your own heavenly host.

~ Rita