Quick post today!
A trend we’ve noticed in the scrapbooking world is “inchies”. These are like little challenges to yourself: Create a nice collage in the space of a square inch (ergo the name). What about wearable inchies?

Can you say “inchies”?!
Check out our item #49-441-0, 30mm square brass picture-frame charm! The usable surface inside the frame is almost exactly a square inch. This finding is perfect for gluing things onto. You could even follow Dawno’s idea and incorporate some brass wire into your collage, for a neat faux cloisonné look.
Thanks to Amy M for this idea. PS: a 2″x2″ collage is called a twinchie!
More mini-collage ideas? Share ’em here in a comment!
These are really cute. I can see a piece of vintage fabric or embroidery in one of these.
I’ve been trying to figure out just what I want to do with that square – going to go Google inchies collage and see what inspiration I’ll find. Thanks! (and thanks for the mention, too!)
I’d enjoy seeing the fiber-art version you’re thinking about, Tamdoll. I wonder if Dawno will see anything along those lines in her googling??
heh, nope – I saw some very cool vintage photo collage ideas…I’m thinking about something along those lines…and I need more frames – so I’m preparing my R&T order 🙂
I am okay with that!