Flora & Fauna Journal Style Necklace made with Rings & Things brass “fairy door” blanks and Piddix Collage Sheets.
Creating a journal necklace is fun and easy using Rings & Things precut brass “fairy door” blanks and Piddix collage sheets or your own personal images. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Gather the tools and supplies necessary to make a journal necklace. Select your favorites from the many styles of “fairy-door” blanks and Piddix collage sheets
You will need the following supplies:
1 set Brass Sandwich Blanks (Fairy Doors) (I used #44-721-11: square-with-circle window brass blank)
1 each Metal-mesh choker (I used #52-293-16-6: antiqued-brass-plated metal-mesh choker)
5-10 images Piddix collage sheet (I used #83-231-01-006: square flora & fauna)
6 each Crystal Jams™ Assortment (I used #05-328-04-916: Somebody’s Heartbreak)
6 each ball-end head pin (I used #37-091-15-6: 1.5″antiqued-brass-plated ball-end head pin)
2 each 5mm round jump rings (I used #37-136-6: 5mm round antiqued brass jump rings)
2 each 8mm round jump rings (I used #37-167-6: 8mm round antiqued brass jump rings)
Oxidizer & Antiquing Solution ( I used Novacan black patina)
And the following tools:
800-1000 grit sanding sponges or polishing paper
Extra Fine Point Sharpie®
1.25mm round hole punch pliers
cotton swab

Step 2: Measure and mark the hole position on the brass blanks. The apex of the hole should be positioned 1/8″ from the sides on the top two corners. Punch holes at the marked positions with the two-hole metal punch. Make sure the hole placement on the front and back blanks line up.

Step 3: Prepare the brass blanks for patina by gently sanding with a 3M ultra-fine polishing sponge. Use a cotton swab to apply Novacan black patina to the front and back side of both blanks. Polish the brass blanks to attain the desired shade of patina.

Step 4: Use fine-point craft scissors to cut out image “pages”. The pages should measure slightly smaller than the size of the brass cover blanks. Five to ten pages per journal works best.

Step 5: Mark and punch holes in the paper image pages. Use the metal blanks as a guide to mark hole position on the upper two corners of each page. Punch holes with a 1.25mm hole punch.

Step 6. Make six crystal dangle charms, follow the instructions for making wire-wrapped loops in the Rings & Things Jewelry Basics 101.

Step 7: Assemble the journal pendant by stringing the brass blank back, image pages, and brass blank front onto jump rings. Add three crystal dangle charms on each jump ring and then close the jump rings. String the pendant onto a metal mesh choker. Your necklace is ready to wear.
If you enjoy making the “Flora & Fauna” journal-style necklace, try these variations:
Make Things!
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