Last summer I decided to splurge and buy myself a riveting tool. Riveting allows you to cold connect (join) metal pieces without the use of a torch or other heat source. Innovative riveting tools allow you to rivet your own jewelry designs without the hard work (and endless hammer tapping) that traditional riveting requires. I wanted to show an easy design using the riveting tool that also features Swarovski spike pendants. See how to make these earrings by following the easy steps below!

Futuristic Riveted Brass Earrings with Swarovski spike pendants in Vitrail Medium.
Supplies needed for this project:
Brass rivets, I used #69-921-02-2, Crafted findings 1/16″ by 3/32″ length
Brass blanks, I used #44-722-03-0, 17x15mm triangle
Riveting tool, I used #69-907, Crafted Findings Long Reach 1/16″
Brass jump rings, I used #37-145-6, 6mm Antique Brass
Niobium earring wires, I used #34-063-41, Bronze color
Swarovski spike pendants, I used #06-480-18-06, 18mm Vitrail Medium

Use a sharpie marker to put a dot on the bottom and top of each triangle. This is so you know where to punch the holes.

Layer the triangles on top of the brass rivets, so that they look like this. One of the holes on the flat side lined up with one of the pointy ends.

Place the blanks, with the rivet, into the riveting tool. The rivet will sit in the cup of the riveting tool, and the top part of the tool will fit into the end of the rivet opening. Screw down on the tool until the rivet is set.

If you want to give them a rustic antiqued look, dip them in Novacan black.

The brass will turn black in the solution. Pour the solution back in the bottle, it can be reused. Rinse the pieces with water.

Use a sanding sponge to take off the black patina and leave a rustic sanded look. I used the ultra fine sanding sponge.

Attach two jump rings to the top, and the bronze niobium earring wires. I like the niobium wires because they are great for people with metal sensitivity.
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Here are some examples with the Bermuda Blue and Bronze Shade color! I sell these two in my etsy store, Geisha Creations. Thanks for tuning in, see ya soon with a fun new blog! ~Tiffany
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