Looking for another market for your beaded productions? How about fishermen…or more accurately, fish?

Mmmm, beads!
It turns out that beads make good bait for certain fish. Trout think orange-colored Miracle beads are salmon eggs, and will try to eat them. Steelhead, less easily fooled, just think the beads are inferior to their own eggs and try to move them away–which gets them caught on the hook.
Local anglers have told us that the shine of the bead catches the fish’s eye very successfully. They put one bead on the line with a hook below it and a bobber on the top of the line. Both the 8mm and the 4mm sizes have been used.
This makes us curious, what other beads can you use in lures, artificial flies, etc.? What about the other orange beads, like opaque glass ones? Share your experiences and ideas in a comment below!
i made earrings out of bobbers, and I wear my flies on my hat, it stands to reason that fish would like beads 🙂
I’ve never gone fishing – probably because I was raised in the desert near a dry lake, unless catching lizards on the dry lake counts…
if you catch them while carrying a stick and some string – it counts.
i will admit i don’t get much done when i fish – i drop a bobber, open a book, and magically time fast forwards a couple of hours…..is crazy
What a great idea, I never would have thought of that. . .lol. . .but then again I haven’t gone fishing since I was young.
What beads do lizards chase after?
PS — a couple of weeks after posting this, I was Google-searching for beads, and one of the top advertisers was Bass Pro Shops!