In our April newsletter going out this week (sign up to receive it!), we have a great discussion of do-it-yourself display ideas… Here’s how to take that idea, run with it, and win a prize in our April blog contest!

Craft / jewelry displays?
In jewelry suppliers’ catalogs, you can find many display and packaging options for selling your wares. But often you can increase customer’s interest, decrease your overhead costs, and grow your craft jewelry business–with a more personal touch!
Our newsletter article brings lots of great ideas for inexpensive, do-it-yourself (DIY) displays. Whether it’s re-using packaging, incorporating natural materials,upcycling “vintage” items or going seasonal, you can do a lot with a little.
We’d love to hear what additional DIY display ideas you’ve used or that you’ve seen. Leave a comment here to tell us about (or send an image of) your fave DIY display in our April blog competition, and you could win one of our famous goodie bags!
For other types of advice on running a strong business, check out our new list of crafts business tips. Happy show season!
PS: The winners of our March blog drawing have been randomly drawn. Congratulations to SusanSW and Beadsophy!
This is the perfect blog challenge! I am in the process of creating my displays for a show in May – YAY!
Like I dont have enuff to do!
I needed a store display for my scrabble tile necklaces… so came up with using the board to show them all off!
I think this would work great with any game board for themed jewelry.
Nice stuff, Tamdoll!
I look forward to seeing what Tish & everyone else suggest too…
Well…as you may have noticed on my blog, I have a stick. 🙂
Seriously, though, when I decided on my displays for my booth back in February, I wanted to be frugal but eye-catching. I went with shells and river rock, used large cork trivets and inexpensive glass vases, into which I put shells and then draped some of my lanyard necklaces (primarily the ones with pearls to go with the shell theme) over the lip of the vase.
The other DIY thing was making the larger panel displays which used foam backed display board (like you’d use in a science fair) covered in a faux-raw silk (it was polyester fabric) and then added U-pins to hold the lanyards. Worked pretty well, by hanging the lanyards on it at home and then wrapping them together with Saran Wrap, I was able to transport them pre-assembled and save time on booth set-up. I pushed the table to the wall and propped the boards against the wall on top of the table – I think it made a pretty good backdrop. Pictures at
Great stuff Dawno, and that Saran Wrap idea would be a great way to minimize the bulk of containers dragged to a show…
I use recycle the needlepoint hoops to hang earrings,by adding the waffle plastic drawer liner. comes in rolls for about a dollar. Color and decorations changes with the seasons, They stack compact for traveling to craft sales.
( have even removed the earrings and sold the hoops)
I also like the pool noodles cut to assorted lengths, and cross cut to make a “T” to hang bracelets or pendants, key chains, eye glass lanyards etc. When traveling they fit nicely in a pillow case.
I love all the tips, as a fairly new beader/beginning bead teacher, I pass them on.
Collectable Tins Have dual puposes, they are great for using to hand items with a magnetic closure.I also use the tins to store duplicate items at a craft sale.
One lady, I met used the metal stove top covers to display her magnetic bracelets.
thanks to all for sharing.MB
My beaded wallets and coin purses are equally pretty on the front and back. So I used an old oval dresser mirror laid flat on the table and placed each wallet and purse on a small easel I found at Walmart and displayed them on the mirror. The mirror reflected the back of each piece so customers could see both sides at once. Problem solved!
[Posted for Lyn, who couldn’t log in here:]
I’ve been doing shows for about 35 years now, so I’ve seen evey display someone could create (maybe). But one display that I made for very little money is breakdown shelf that is very versitale, easy to adjust size and can be made into several configurations.
Find some (garage sale or flea market) louvered doors. New ones are too expensive. I’ve personally have bought several sets of 4 for less than $5.00ea.
You will need shelfs that will slide into the width of the louvers. And use an electric drill and small drill bit to drill lots of small starter holes on what will become the bottom of the shelf so you can easily add some cup hook (I prefer the eye screws and then use an S hook to hang, because they don’t catch on things when I’m moving them) I’ve bought the white covered shelf and just plain pine and some cedar.
Useing 2 hinged luvered doors can become a small simple shelf by breaking out matching louvers on each of the doors and sliding a 3 or 4 foot shelf into the slots. (corner shelf)
Using 2 sets of 2 hinged doors, with matching removed louvers you can have a shelf shoved through the slots to make a 5 foot, 6 foot, 8 foot long shelf.
My display tables are 8 feet long and only 20 inches deep and I set up a shelf at the back edge of my table (overlapping the back edge of the table) and you can display items on the shelf and put cup hooks (eye screws) on the under side of the shelf for hanging.
When apart they lay flat and take up very little room. If there is a high wind I bungy them to my table legs or tent poles. Have never had one fall. You can paint or distress them to match your taste. I like a distressed look so if they get banged up it OK.
Hope your show exhibitors like this great shelf idea. And you guys keep up the good work
lyn (coming soon)
[…] in the world is going on at Rings & Things > « April giveaway contest: DIY displays! Multi-purposing frame charms: Inchies […]
I haven’t done any shows but am thinking about it, so it was interesting to read all the ideas here.
I have a shop on Etsy, so I have to try and display my work in creative ways through photos. I have a small round table set up outside on my deck, covered with a square tile. It sits next to an outdoor sink, so I place a white tablecloth over the tile and up over the sink and hold it there with a brick. It forms a backdrop that I can adjust any way I’d like, but I usually keep it nice and smooth. I drape my beadweaving over large rocks, driftwood, large shells, acrylic hand and face/neck forms – anything that I think will help show off the pieces. Not a very professional setting, but it works well for me!
I have incorporated everyday household items into my booth displays for show casing my special pieces!
shutters, bottles, baskets, they all have a great artistic flare and add a lot of character to the booth.
[…] to the winners of our April contest, “DIY Display Ideas“, who […]
Hey everybody, I’ve announced the winners! (Mary Berg, Lyn, you two won — get in touch with me so I know what addresses to send your prizes to!)