Are you a member of a bead society yet? (Or a polymer-clay or metal-clay guild, or another craft group?) Rings & Things always encourages you to share knowledge and fun with like-minded souls in your area…

“We’re here to help you”: join a bead society & meet some new faces!
There are lots of reasons to join a local group of beaders or other craft/jewelry artists.
- Socializing with people who have similar interests
- Learning new techniques & tricks that’ll help you “grow your business”
- Donating your skills for a cause: editing a newsletter, scheduling workshops and field trips, organizing charitable fundraisers or educational workshops in local schools…
- Membership is usually very inexpensive or free!
…but the simplest reason to join is for FUN! ☻☺
Do you realize how incredibly many of these groups exist? Check these constantly-updated resources to find a group near you:
- Our discussion forum about bead societies.
- Our page about bead societies, polymer clay guilds and other art groups.
There seems to be quite an upswing of interest in forming local groups lately. If you don’t find a group near you, will you be the founder of a new one?
Rings & Things wants to hear from YOU about any more bead societies and art guilds that haven’t made it onto our lists yet. Leave us a comment here with information!
By the way, Rings & Things doesn’t track the meeting times & places of all of these groups. (We’ve found that these may change.) But you can announce your bead society’s latest meetup schedule right here — so just leave a comment below to plug your group.
Thanks for the pointers, Dave. If I can’t find something to join around here, maybe I *will* start my own.
After a few years working on this stuff, I have the impression that there are never too many local craft/bead groups. People always seem to be interested in meeting up with others who share their interests!