Yesterday was an eventful day for product testing! We sent the obligatory email telling people not to worry about “the strange plastic smell’ that arose from testing some non-toxic faux enamels.
We decided to add a great new riveting tool ~ watch for it in December.
We also tested the usability and effectiveness of various patinas and metal treatments. It started out simply enough, test a metal treatment from a new vendor. No problem, we’ve done this quite a few times and know the drill, or so we thought!
We definitely noticed that the basic instructions were written in calligraphy. And, we did wonder about the need for a solid copper pot. We questioned whether rainwater was really needed. But, we didn’t pull the plug on the test until we read the instruction to mix-in freshly grated daikon radish.
The radish requirement inspired fits of giggles. Fortunately, we have several other non-radish based metal treatments that are great to work with!
♥ Sondra
1 Comment
Well, from a customer standpoint I’m glad that one won’t be included in future sales. I don’t own a solid copper pot, not even sure where to get one, and I normally don’t use diakon radish in my dishes, so I’m not sure I would want to use it to treat metal….LOL!